染料植物を庭で育てる Grow dye-plants in garden
ニホンアカネ、ムツバアカネ 、ムラサキ、サフラン、コガネバナ、タデアイ、ウォード など。
When you grow a dye plant in the garden, you can see the part to be used, the characteristics of the plant, and the timing of harvesting. Dyes that use roots can make homemade dried roots, and indigo leaves can be used to make precipitated indigo plants, pigments, and sukumo.
Dyes that use roots such as akane, shikon, and scullcap, and dyes that can be dried and stored for a long time. Also, scullcap and saffron can dye purple from their petals.

コガネバナの新芽(3月)、sprout of skullcap(March)

サフランの球根とめしべ(11月), Saffron bulbs and pistils(November)

めしべ pistils