参考文献 References


「染料植物譜」編者:後藤捷一・山川隆平 、発行者:富山弘基、印刷者:斎藤雅彦、

発行所:民芸織物図鑑刊行会・はくおう社、発売元:株式会社 京都書院




Earth Network’s Textile Materials Library preserves, manages, and utilizes books entrusted to us by dyers, painters, and craftsmen who have created works and products using natural dyes, pigments, and fibers, as well as scientists who study pigments and other components, microorganisms, dyeing mechanisms, and the history and archaeology of these processes. We also preserve and manage books, dyeing and weaving records, and dyed and woven fabrics donated by authors.

“Senryo Shokubutuf-u(List of Dye Plants)” Edited by: Shoichi Goto and Ryuhei Yamakawa

・Publisher: Hiroki Toyama, Printer: Masahiko Saito

・Published by: Mingei Orimono Zukan Kaikokai/Hakuosha, Sold by: Kyoto Shoin Co., Ltd.

・Published May 30, 1937, reprinted January 15, 1972

This book references the history, cultivation and harvesting, root preservation, pigment extraction, dyeing, etc. of Japanese madder, Mutsuba madder, Yaeyama citrifolia, and Indian madder, which are featured in the natural dyeing notebook “Rubiaceae” published by Earth Network.

“Sarasa Dyeing Text” is a reference for dyes, glue, and mordant glue.