What’s About Earth Network? The English version is next to Japanese. Please scroll down.
名 称:特定非営利活動法人 アースネットワーク(英語名:NPO Earth Network)
代表者:理事長 角 寿子
副理事長 横山 隆壽
設 立:1994年1月1日(法人認証:2002年10月15日、法人成立:2002年11月1日)
会 員:45(個人39、個人事業主2、法人3)
- 1996年6月5日
- 第1回「環境を考えた植物染ワークショップ」開催、以降各地で開催
- 1997年11月30日
- 第1回「環境を考えた植物染会議」開催(札幌、旭川)
- 2000年〜2003年
- 第1回「環境を考えた植物染ワークショップ」開催、以降各地で開催
- 2000年5月
- 「天然の色展」開催(フランス、ルシヨン)
- 2003年1月21日
- 「環境を考えた天然染料と顔料~絵具と塗料展」開催(東京)
- 2006年11月6日
- International Natural Dye Symposium by UNESCO & The Crafts Council of India, 活動発表、Hyderabad,India.
- 2008年7月
- 染料薬用植物Forum開催、小樽、札幌、当別、名寄
- 2008年9月22日
- International Symposium & Exhibition on Natural Dyes 2008, Taegu,Korea、ポスターセッションと円卓会議出席
- 2009年12月3日
- 「生物多様性を考えた持続可能な資源としての天然染料と繊維展」開催(東京)、染料薬用植物ジャーナル発行
- 2011年4月25日
- International Symposium & Exhibition on Natural Dyes 2011
Europe, La Rochelle, France、展覧会&見本市出展、研究発表
- 2012年9月27日
- ISEND & WEFT 2012 Kuching, Malaysia、研究発表、実演
- 2012年10月10日
- 天然の色展2012、宮城県美術館
- 2012年11月〜
- リュウキュウアイ栽培と琉球藍製造協働(本部、沖縄)
- 2013年~2018年
- 沖縄、琉球藍製造の研究と調査、作業協力、研修会開催
- 2015年1月〜
- 東京、札幌で例会開催
- 2016年12月〜
- ウェブサイトリニューアルに伴い、創立以来の調査、研究資料をアーカイブにする
- 2017年
- 札幌、東京、福岡ワークショップ 「和紙染」、「生紫根染」
- 2018年~2020年
- 「北方のいろ共同制作ワークショップと国際天然の色展」(札幌、オンライン)、共催:北海道文化財団、In the steps of Antoine Janot
- 2021年
- 天然染色ノート2021更新、冊子と染色布試料集発行
第1回 アカネ科、第2回ムラサキ科、第3回 黄色染料植物、第4回 茶色/灰色染料植物、第5回 藍・植物染料発酵染
2018-20219 北方のいろ共同制作ワークショップ
2018-20219 北方のいろ共同制作ワークショップ
1. 情報提供ホームページ 会員コンテンツ へのログイン/パスワード付与、ダウンロード可)
2. 情報交流と発信:会員間メーリングリスト、 メンバーの活動と作品 のコンテンツ利用
3. 技術研修、例会、国内外のシンポジウム展覧会への参加、情報提供
4. 染料、テキスト、書籍の優先割引購入
1. メールフォーム から申し込み
2. 入会申込書送付
3. 入会申込書提出
4. 入会金、年会費振り込み
5. メーリングリスト登録、会員コンテンツへのログインID、パスワード送付
6. メーリングリスト送受信確認〜入会完了
1. 事務局へ退会希望のメール送信
2. 退会申込書記入ー送信〜受領確認
3. メーリングリスト解除〜退会完了
TEL:0134-25-1470 メールフォームでのお問い合わせはこちら
〒121-0832 東京都足立区古千谷本町1-10-28
〒047-0022 北海道小樽市松ヶ枝2-3-9
What’s About Earth Network? or About US or Who is Earth Network
Earth Network is international environmental NPO registered to the Japanese government since November 2002. (the date of foundation: January 1, 1994)
Earth Network consists of professional and non-professional members with a variety of talents, skills and backgrounds including chemists, dyers, painters, teachers, architects, government employees, graphic ,web or industrial designers and others.
With these human resources, we hope to contribute to a better future human life using natural colours.
The main activities of Earth Network are:
– to carry out R&D on 100% natural pigments, dyes and solvents utilising many types of materials, such as plants, clays, minerals, insects and shellfish.
– to hold workshops nationwide in order to create teaching materials and spread skill and information to the public.
– to exchange information through international networks and preserve the dyeing traditions which have been handed down in Japan and many other cultures around the world.
– to deal in our products and dispatch our staff all aver the world.
Our goal and hope is for more and more people to become aware of the natural colours and materials and the beauty and wonder of nature that comes from them
Organisation overview
Name: NPO Earth Network
Board member : Hisako.S(President), Takahisa.Y(Vice-president)
Established: January 1, 1994
Corporate certification: October 15, 2002,
Corporate establishment: November 1, 2002
Location: 1-10-28, Kojiyahonchyo, Adachi-ku, Tokyo 121-0832, Japan
Membership: 45 (individuals: 39, solo proprietors: 2, corporations: 3)
Introduction of main enterprise
・Distribution survey, conservation, cultivation and distribution of dye plants
・Scientific research and research on natural dyes and pigments
・Dyeing using natural dyes and pigments, painting, painting technology and fastness research, technology development, testing
・Exchange, collaboration, information dissemination, etc. with domestic and
overseas researchers, engineers, and creators
Main Activities Overview
1996-2003 “Environmentally friendly Plant Dyeing Workshop”, Hokkaido, Tokyo, Fukuoka
1997 1st Environmentally Friendly Plant Dyeing Conference (Sapporo, Asahikawa), Co-sponsored by The Nippon Foundation
1998 2nd Environmentally Friendly Plant Dyeing Conference (Sapporo,
Asahikawa), Co-sponsored by Hokkaido Arts Foundation
2000 3rd Environmentally Friendly Plant Dyeing Conference (Takasaki, Tokushima, Hiroshima, Sapporo)
2000 “Natural Color Exhibition” held, OKHRA, Roussillon, France
2001-2003 “Natural Dyes and Pigments Considering the Environment-Paints and Paints Exhibition” held (Hokkaido, Tokyo, Yamaguchi, Fukuoka) Japan Fund for Global Environment Grant Program
2002 4th Environmentally Friendly Plant Dyeing Conference (Tokyo)
2006 International Natural Dye Symposium by UNESCO & The Crafts Council of India, oral presentation, Hyderabad, India.
2008 Dye Medicinal Plant Forum, Otaru, Sapporo, Tobetsu, Nayoro
2009 “Natural Dyes and Textiles as Sustainable Resources Considering Biodiversity” Held, Tokyo
Published by Dye Medicinal Plant Journal
2011 ” International Symposium & Exhibition on Natural Dyes 2011, Europe”, La Rochelle, France, Exhibition / Trade Fair / Poster Session
2012 “ISEND & WEFT 2012 Kuching, Malaysia”, research presentation, demonstration
2012 “Natural Color Exhibition 2012” Miyagi Museum of Art, Sendai
2012-2018 Research and dissemination of Ryukyu indigo microorganisms and fermented vat (Motobu, Okinawa)
2012-Survey, cultivation, dyeing technique research and dissemination activities for Rubia akane and Lithospermum erythrorhizon(Murasaki)
2015 Regular meeting held (Tokyo, Sapporo)
With the renewal of the website in 2016, the research and materials since its establishment have been archived.
2017 Workshop “Washi dyeing”, “Raw purple root dyeing”, Sapporo, Tokyo, Fukuoka
2018-2020 International Natural Color Exhibition and Workshop (Hokkaido),
Co-sponsored by Hokkaido Arts Foundation, In the steps of Antoine Janot (Fance)
2021 Natural dyeing notebook series 2021 revised and published.
1st Rubiaceae, 2nd Boraginaceae , 3rd Yellow Dye-plants,
4th Brown / Grey Dye-plants , 5th Indigo and Fermented plant dyes
Reference materials
2006UNESCO International Natural Dye Symposium:overview
2006UNESCO International Natural Dye Symposium:Presentation
2009-2016earth network_report_en
2009Dyes & Medicinal Plants and Natural Fibre Exhibition:overview
2011ISEND poster-session-Journal of Dye&Medicinal Plants-abstract
2011ISEND&2012ISEND-WEFT-Natural Color Exhibition2012MIYAGI
2012ISEND&WEFT:Japanese Red and Blue_summery
2020Indigo plants cultivated and grown naturally in Japan and their indigo dyes
2021Natural Dyeing Note2021No.1-5cover&samples
・2018-2019 Co-production workshop with Natural dyes and pigments
・2020 Natural Dyes Workshops report on our official page in YouTube
・2020 Natural Color Exhibition in Sapporo
For inquiries and application for membership to the NPO Earth Network.
The Earth Network promotes research, conservation and cultivation of endangered species and rare dye plants, research on natural dyes and pigments, and how to make and use materials, and promotes safe materials.
Member benefits, available content and support.
1. Providing information, logging in to member content on the homepage / assigning a password (files can be downloaded)
2. Information exchange and public relations: Member mailing list, use of members gallery and link to web, sole proprietorship member and corporate member, banner posting and link to web
3. Technical training, regular meetings, joint research, participation in domestic and international symposiums and exhibitions, provision of information
4. Priority discount purchase of dyes, texts and books
Admission fee : Individual, Sole proprietor, Corporate member: ¥10,000, Student: ¥5,000
Annual fee (fiscal yearJanuary – December)
Individual member : ¥10,000
Sole proprietor member : ¥20,000
Corporate member : ¥30,000
Student : ¥5,000
How to join
1. Apply from the mail form
2. Send the membership application form
3. Submission of membership application form
4. Admission fee, annual membership fee transfer
5. Mailing list registration, login ID for member content, password transmission
6. Confirmation of mailing list transmission / reception enrolment completed
How to withdraw (executed at the end of the year)
1. Send an email to the secretariat requesting withdrawal
2. Fill out the withdrawal application form-Send-Confirm receipt
3. Cancellation of mailing list ~ completion of withdrawal
Contact information
TEL: +81 134 25 1470 Click here for inquiries by email form
Tokyo office
1-10-28 Kojiyahoncho, Adachi-ku, Tokyo 121-0832
Natural Dye Research Laboratory
2-3-9 Matsugae, Otaru, Hokkaido 047-0022 Japan